As with all the stretches, the neck in neutral by chin tucking and keeping the tailbone down. By this I mean, think about the tail at the end of the spine tucked under


Commencing with feet flat on the floor, lift toes straight to the ceiling. Hold for 5 – 10 seconds

Toes on the floor, lift heels. Hold for 5 – 10 seconds

Complete 4-6 rounds of 5 – 10 second holds of each


Hold knee if needed:
Rotate ankle 5 – 10 times clockwise
Rotate ankle 5 – 10 times anticlockwise
Complete 2 – 4 rounds of 5 – 10 rotations.


Stretching leg straight. Reach with same side hand. Anchor under the toes, pull toes back towards your face. Hold for 20 -30 seconds

Then proceed to opposite leg, same process.

Then proceed to opposite leg, same process.

Complete 2-4 rounds of 20 – 30 second holds of each


Stretching leg bent with ankle on the knee of the opposite leg. Lean forward. Hold belly in. The aim here is to lower the knee down as in, to replicate the number 4. 

The lower the knee of the stretching leg the more intense the stretch will feel in the glutes. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds

Complete 2 – 4 rounds of 20 – 30 – second holds of each


Lift leg, hold for 5 seconds. You should feel the hip flexor muscle engaging as the leg lifts. Repeat on the opposite leg for 5 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times of 5 second holds. 

This is a hip flexor strengthening exercise, great for long term sitting as this muscle shortens when we sit for long periods. 


Swing left arm to the back of the chair, right arm to the side of the left knee. 

Swing right arm to the back of the chair, left arm to the side of the right knee

Repeat 10 rotations to either side (5 each side)

For a deeper stretch:

Feet flat on the floor, belly in.

Hold left arm to the back of the chair, right arm to the side of the left knee, look over the left shoulder. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds

Repeat on the opposite side with right arm to the back of the chair, left arm to the side of the right knee, look over the right shoulder. Hold for 20 -30 seconds

Should feel a lovely stretch down the spine. 

Can also swing legs to the left and right and look across to the opposite shoulder for a deeper stretch.

Complete 2 – 4 rounds of 20 – 30 second holds of each of one of more of the options. 


Feet flat on the floor, belly in

Anchor left hand under the chair, lift the right arm up to the ceiling, fingers pointed upwards, shoulder blade down (not around ears), gently stretch to the left. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds

Anchor right hand under the chair, lift the left arm to the ceiling, fingers pointed upwards, shoulder blade down (not around ears), gently stretch to the right. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds.

Should feel a stretch down the side of the body, the lats as well as the shoulders on both sides.

Complete 2 – 4 rounds of 20 -30 second holds of each.


Arms overhead, shoulders down, roll forward, grip ankles, round back


Anchor both hands under the chair. Look straight up to the ceiling. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds. 

Should feel the stretch across the chest as you pull down with your shoulders as well as the underneath of the front of the neck. A great stretch to open up the front upper body as we sit hunched over computers as well as phones in the modern world. 

Neck stretch – lateral flexion – self explanatory.