Myofascial Cupping

Myofascial cupping involves the gliding or placing of negatively pressurised cups over the body  It is a modern twist on traditional flame cupping as it uses a vaccum pump. It is different to flame glass cupping, the cups are designed to suction out air without relying on fire.

It is a unique technique as it does not use compression techniques but rather it lifts and seperates soft tissue, known as negative or tensional pressure.

It is also a form or cupping where marking the skin is less prominent, the aim is to have little if any bruising. 

Myofascial cupping has many benefits including:

  •  passively stretching soft tissue
  •  Reducing the intensity of a trigger or pressure point
  •  Repair of localised injury by increasing nutrient rich blood to the area as well as flushing out toxins

As a remedial massage therapist I place cups on specific trigger points rather than meridians as in traditional cupping. I integrate myofascial cupping into my treatments along with deep tissue, remedial massage.